Tanjung Parapat


The beautiful view at Tanjung Parapat, Semporna - This place is about 20-30 minutes drive from Semporna town center.

Tanjung Parapat is actually a small muslims village with shallow sea area. All of them are Bajau people.

The bottom of the sea near the land at Tanjung Parapat is sandy and flat.

No reef and corals. Just sand and stones.

The fisherman build this long jetty so they can park their boat in deeper water which is about hundred meters from the land.

Most people come here to enjoy the beautiful view during weekend with their friends and family members.

No cafe or restaurants and no hotel or other good accommodation nearby, most tour guides not bring tourist here.

Most people who came here are locals.

The view is so mesmerizing and so refreshing especially in early morning and in evening during sunset. Photo by Zuliani Mansur.



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